a place where thought's inside the box can't reach and thought's outside the box simply miss

Monday, January 24, 2011

Experiment : Ice

Hello knowledge-hungry-human

Now we'll experiment with something cool. Yeah by that I mean literally cold. Check this picture below first though.

Yeah! It's an awesome ball of ice! How'd I make it? It's actually an accident though. I was just filling a baloon with water one day and I just throw it out in the balcony. Don't ask me why I did that. So anyway I can't be bothered to get it in the freezing weather so I just left it.

About 2-3 weeks later i remembered this.. uhm... thing. I get it inside (it's heavy) and rip the baloon. And voila!!! It's so beautiful. Test it out for yourself :D now I'm experimenting with the rubber gloves like those doctors use. Imagine how cool would that be huh?

Anyway i'll give you one proven fact. Boiling water freezes faster than roim temperature water. So next time you're going to bet with someone on whose water'll freeze faster, boil it first!!!